The Soul Retrieval:  Shamanic Healing Infused Sound Bath

The Soul Retrieval: Shamanic Healing Infused Sound Bath

Soul retrieval is a process designed to reintegrate energetic ‘soul fragments’ back into the self.

Who are you beyong society’s conditioning? Before the outside influence and noise?

As children, we were taught how to think, how to feel, what we should aspire to be, and to conform. To the point, we lost ourselves in the process. Pieces of ourselves that make us who we are. Our authentic selves.

This special sound bath will visit a past memory. Finding and remembering the parts of our energy we left behind in times of emotionally charged circumstances or traumatic events.

Join me as I lead you through guided meditation and Shamanic sounds to help you remember the nature of your soul.

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Year of the Snake:  Sound Bath & Energy Healing

Year of the Snake: Sound Bath & Energy Healing

In honor of the Lunar New Year, join Nicole as she leads you through a guided and powerful sound meditation welcoming the transformative energy of the Year of the Snake. This experience will help you align with the wisdom, transformation, and renewal that the Snake energy embodies.

Reconnect with your higher self and reflect on the path ahead, while embracing the vibrant opportunities for growth.

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New Moon Sound Bath

New Moon Sound Bath

The New Moon is a time of fresh beginnings, it signifies the beginning of a cycle to reset your energy and bring about an elevated level of consciousness. It is the ideal time to set intentions and goals, plant seeds, and to focus with clarity. Connecting to these lunar energies can provide grounding and a sense of direction. A New Moon signifies a time for reflection, and a time of renewal. Join me as I lead you into a powerful sound healing multi-dimensional journey through sound meditation and divine channeling, while elevating your consciousness, followed by personalized energetic healings.

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