Nicole is a performer, multi-instrumentalist, visual artist, and sound healer. A descendent of a long line of performing and visual artists, she is a sought-after voice teacher in the Los Angeles area, specializing in musical theatre, pop/rock, and jazz, and has had more than 20 years of teaching experience. She is also an established commissioned representational gallery portrait artist. As a certified energy healer, Nicole has found a way to combine her passion for music with her gift of healing.
“Some things never change….”
“I discovered sound healing 3 years ago when I attended my first sound bath. The rest was history. I have found my other calling.”
"I felt my lower back strongly rooted to the ground while I felt strong energy coming and going from my head. I had a vision of being in outer space, I could see earth below me and when I looked above I could see glowing white images of what looked like people dressed in white, a complete feeling of serenity came over me. Again, as my first time, I was surprised at how much inner peace this brought to me. I would encourage others to be open minded and to let go and experience this for themselves."
— Evelyn
"My experience with Nicole was incredibly freeing. I could describe it as energy going through my body and tension being released through my fingertips and through my whole body. More than anything, I felt like an openness and releasing of tension and sadness. And I also felt a beautiful warm and angelic sensation with Nicole's voice. Her voice is a spiritual voice that releases disharmony and with her harmony, it neutralizes a lot of the heaviness and sadness and her voice is very uplifting. The only way I could describe it as like an angelic spiritual experience. I saw Nicole surrounded by a group of people and it felt like a tribe of warmth and collective group celebrating me in some way. Bringing honor and a welcoming and acceptance. And it was beautiful to have a collective group of entities and beings supporting me through my process and experience in a beautiful way."
— Emma
"I just felt like this energy, some parts of my body just felt the energy just shoot down, so I was like twitching a little bit. I had like a vision, I was walking in a village and then going down, I guess, in the middle of the village, it just appeared in my vision, and then it ends with the mountains in the background. There was some parts where there were really bright white lights. I don't know what you were doing over me, but when I had my eyes closed, there were very bright lights going on. When you were over my head, I felt a strong presence. The energy was just really strong."
— Michael